Drape Mold


Problem: Create a plywood form with a negative space designed to repeat a stretched slab form slab form.

Objective: Utilize basic design ideas that combined slab construction with a drape form and to make a series of utilitarian pieces or a complex sculpture.

After your instructor shows the basic idea of how to construct a drape form, make several sketches exploring possibilities.  Discuss your ideas with your instructor and come to a final design for the construction of your form.  Make the plywood form under the direction of your instructor and use it to make the following objects:

Option #1
Produce 4 utilitarian pieces using your form that have a strong design relationship between foot and lip with handles or lids.

Option #2 create a sculpture that combines flat hard slabs with drape formed objects that is at least 18” in one direction.


Discuss the drawings and studies you have made with your instructor before beginning

Consider how the design of your form an be used in several different ways.

All pieces should be made with a strong design relationship between the lip, foot, and profile/thickness of the handles.

Consider stylistic approaches that reflect historical or contemporary trends.


-Sharp edges and cracks will merit down grading of the project.

-Ask questions so your instructor can address specific challenges you may encounter.

-Utilize all of the given class time for working on the project and have all work completed for the prescribed critique date